Here is an excerpt of a phone conversation I had with my mom today. Sometimes the things she says just strike me as funny. This, for example, gives me a clear mental picture:
"Grandma called earlier and I picked up the phone, but all I heard was a click, and I thought, didn't she hear me say hello? So I looked at the cord and I could see that the kitties had chewed through it because they're still mad at me. I keep putting their grasshoppers outside that they bring in. I think it was the one with the broken leg that did it."
I can just see her gathering the grasshoppers in a cup and throwing them out; meanwhile the cat looks on in disgust, its eyes narrowing. All that hard work (with a broken leg no less) to bring in the hoppy toys, and mom just throws them out. Naturally the cat takes out it's revenge on the phone cord. It knows where to hit mom so it hurts.
7 years ago
There's a lesson to be learned learned: Never doubt the genius of a feline. Cats, like women, are the amazing combination of grace, brains and beauty.
A lesson to be learned learned? Oops oops. Oh well well. You knew what I meant meant.
(Grin grin)
OMG, LMAO! Our mothers are alike.
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