Friends who care about me, and who don't want me to be alone today even though I have the plague and am most likely contagious.
Fred Meyer for being open until 4pm so I can get more kleenex and some sinus decongestant.
The long shelf life of Nyquil.
The leaves on the tree outside my window (even though they are gone now) because they hide my apartment windows from the street and provide me with a small amount of privacy.
Netflix for having movies I can watch on my computer now that I am barricaded from the outside world like a shut in.
Happy memories of Thanksgivings past spent with friends and their families.
And finally, I am thankful for having survived some of the worst long and lonely Thanksgivings between parents' houses spent wishing for a repair to come fix my broken family. They make today seem pale in comparison.
7 years ago
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