I'm doing a couple of sunny weather posts today in order to counteract the gloomy weather.
A few weeks ago, when the sun first came peeking out, I decided to take the day and go for a drive up the Gorge. It was still chilly out, and the leaves on most of the trees were slowly peeking their little buds out to test the air.
I pulled off at the Portland Women's Forum State Park Viewpoint, also known as Chanticleer Point. Feeling brave, I grabbed my bag of essentials (books, journal, pens, water) and marched on through the gates down the overgrown dirt road. Not knowing where it would lead me, I wasn't even sure if it was part of the park (there was no sign regarding trespassing), I wandered along until I found a bend in the road that overlooked the highway and the river. It was peaceful, and the birds were making their little bird noises as they welcomed the first warm day of spring.

I sat for quite a while in the breeze, writing and reading on a blanket I had spread out on the grassy edge of a dormant blackberry patch. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me. It sounded like heavy footsteps. I sat up at attention, not knowing what would come traipsing around the bend of the road. It got closer and closer, until I could see the outline of what looked like a very tall person walking with long strides. I sat still and waited. What came around the bend was a young girl on a chestnut brown horse. She was startled to see me, but not as startled as I was. It was not what I expected.

A line of nearly ten horses and their riders quietly and softly walked by me. I know enough about horses that if you are on the ground you shouldn't make any sudden moves, so I sat very still and waited for them to pass, smiling at the riders.
I didn't want to stick around until they came back on their way out, so I packed up my blanket and things and headed back up the hill to my car. I drove a little further to the Crown Point overlook and took a few more pictures.
Inside the Crown Point Vista House.
Wool spinning demonstration.
The view from the balcony of the Crown Point Vista House.